Youth Information

 : Young people :

Young people are persons 13 – 30 years old (for the purposes of European youth policies this age is used both by the European Commission and Council of Europe).

 : Juventization :

Juventization is a pro-active, problem-solving approach to youth participation perceiving it as the active involvement of young people in the social transformation of their societies.

: Young people with fewer opportunities :

Young people with fewer opportunities are young people from a less-privileged cultural, geographical or socio-economic background, or with disabilities.

 : Youth policy :

The purpose of youth policy is to create conditions for learning, opportunity and experience which ensure and enable young people to develop the knowledge, skills and competences to be actors of democracy and to integrate into society, in particular playing active part in both civil society and the labour market. The key measures of youth policies are to promote citizenship learning and the integrated policy approach.

 : Evidence-based youth policies :      

Evidence-based youth policies are youth policies that are not only based on political and moral objectives, but also on accurate information on the social situation of young people across the society and their changing expectations, attitudes and life-styles.

 : National agencies :

National agencies are structures established by the national authorities in each YOUTH Programme country in order to assist the European Commission with management and to assume responsibility for implementation of most of the YOUTH Programme.

 : White Paper :

Generally speaking, "white papers" are policy documents containing background information and proposals for action in a specific political area.

 : Voluntary activities :

Voluntary activities are understood as comprising all kinds of voluntary engagement. They are characterised by the following aspects: open to all, unpaid, undertaken of own free will, educational (non-formal learning aspect), added social value.

 : Voluntary service :

Voluntary service is understood as being part of voluntary activities and is characterised by the following additional aspects: fixed period (no matter if short or long-term), clear objectives, contents and tasks, structure and framework, appropriate support, legal and social protection.

 : Participation :

"Participation is not an aim in itself, but an approach to becoming active citizen participation as a means of 'taking an active role both in the development of one's own environment and in European co-operation' “(CDEJ 1997:7).

: Empowerment :

Empowerment is helping people to help themselves.


: Formal learning :

Formal learning is purposive learning that takes place in a distinct and institutionalised environment specifically designed for teaching/training and learning, which is staffed by learning facilitators who are specifically qualified for the sector, level and subject concerned and which usually serves a specified category of learners (defined by age, level and specialism). Learning aims are almost always externally set, learning progress is usually monitored and assessed, and learning outcomes are usually recognised by certificates or diplomas.

: Informal learning :

Informal learning from the learner's standpoint at least, this is non-purposive learning which takes place in everyday life contexts in the family, at work, during leisure and in the community. It does have outcomes, but these are seldom recorded, virtually never certified and are typically neither immediately visible for the learner nor do they count in themselves for education, training or employment purposes. APEL systems are one way in which the outcomes of such learning can be made more visible and hence open to greater recognition.

: E-learning :

The term e-learning is most frequently used to refer to computer-base training which incorporates technologies that support interactivity. E-learning is an approach to facilitate and enhance learning through, and based on, both computer and comunication technology. Such devices can include personal computers, CDROMs, Digital Television, P.D.A.s and mobile phones. Comunicatios technology enables the use of the Internet, email, discussion forums, colaborative software and team learning systems.

: Learning outcomes :

Learning outcomes are the results of a learning process, which may be expressed in a variety of ways.

: Brainstorming :

Brainstorming is an organized approach for producing ideas by letting the mind think without interruption. The term was coined by Alex Osborn. Brainstorming can be done either individually or in a group. The key to brainstorming is not to interrupt the thought process. As ideas come to the mind, they are captured and stimulate the development of better ideas.

 : Mind map :

A mind map is a diagram used for linking words and ideas to a central key word or idea. It is used to vizualize, classify, structure, and generate ideas, as well as an aid in study, problem solving, and decision making.

 : Teacher :

Teacher is the word traditionally used to refer to those who shape, guide and accompany learning processes in schools, colleges and – to some extent – higher education.

 : Youth trainers :

Youth trainers are people who train others to work with young people, using non-formal methods, focusing on personal and social development and with an emphasis on fostering intercultural competence.

: Youth workers :

Youth workers are people who work with young people in a wide variety of non-formal and informal contexts, typically focusing on personal and social development through one-to-one relationships and in group-based activities. Being learning facilitators may be their main task, but it is at least as likely that youth workers take a social pedagogic or directly social work based approach. In many cases, these roles and functions are combined with each other.